Wednesday, December 16, 2009

12.16 Nice suit.

Holy Joe has good health insurance, and his wife whores for the health care industry. Just a thought.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Traitor Joe.

Joe has people. How the fuck did he get elected? Inhofe lives in fly-over country and he is dictating policy for the rest (most) of america. If you wanted to list the biggest assholes in america, you'd have to have start with Inhofe and south carolina. Bigot DeMint? Lindsey (closeted fag) Graham? Mark (Hikin' the Old Appalachian Trail) Sanford? Joe (You Lie!) Wilson? Fucking redneck assholes are dragging the US of A forward to 1864.

Monday, December 14, 2009

12.14 Holy Joe is a piece of shit. Liz, Bill'o, Dick too

Too bad about health reform. Or Finance reform. At least ChimpCo's emails will reveal what crooks they are.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

12.9 So much for the public option

And who the fuck is Palin to ghost write an OP-Ed on climate change? Oh well. Blue tie. Same HGG's.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

Did Keith wear the same gay pink blouse and tie?

(not that anything is wrong with that....) Fuck I deleted the wrong episode. You bitches will have to wait for my stellar commentary. That's not true. I love you all.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Keith loses the Frosty the Snow Man button down for pink.

Jon Steward had a nice jacket yesterday, btw.

So the repuplicans are pissed the Al Franken is making them look bad?